SEND at Ormiston Beachcroft Academy

Please see below for our SEND policy

Detailed information regarding our provision for pupils with SEND can be found here. We hope parents of current and prospective students find this information helpful and we encourage all interested parties to contact the academy for more information.

In addition, we offer the following provisions:

Breakfast club

Every day before school, we have a Breakfast club which gives pupils the opportunity for a “soft landing” for the day and a opportunity to catch up with staff, as well as have a full breakfast.

Small group work

Some of our pupils will take part in withdrawal intervention to complete tasks in small groups or even one-to-one with a member of the SEND team. We work really hard to make sure that each pupil is achieving their best and are not hindered by any learning needs.

These sessions may include mentoring, literacy intervention, lego therapy or more

We also run a range of sessions focusing on supporting pupils with their social, emotional and mental health needs.

How the academy evaluates the effectiveness of its SEND provision:

The team at Ormiston Beachcroft Academy use a range of parent and student feedback, combined with information and data to evaluate our provision for students with SEND on a termly basis.

This includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • parent/carer feedback surveys
  • pupil surveys
  • annual review feedback from parents, pupils, and external specialists
  • tracking and evaluation of pupil interventions 
  • learning walks, observations of lessons and work scrutiny
  • year group data capture assessment & reporting
  • annual KS performance measures