Secondary Outreach

Ormiston is delighted to be delivering a pilot secondary outreach service to schools in Westminster. This service, in partnership with the local authority, is designed to provide expert early intervention and support to learners who may be at risk of exclusion.

Introduction and Aims

Ormiston Secondary Outreach offer in school support for learners whose behaviour is causing concern, who may be at risk of exclusion or where there may be concerns about learners’ SEMH (Social Emotional and Mental Health) and its impact on behaviour. 

Each intervention is led by an experienced, specialist teacher (behaviour and SEMH) and is developed around the needs of each learner with the aim to support their inclusion within the current setting.

  • Information gathering (school files, school data and in class observations) 
  • Learner self-assessment 
  • Regular 1:1 sessions with the learner/ small group sessions with a group of learners
  • Supporting pupils in understanding factors that may impact on their behaviour 
  • Identifying strategies that may help improve outcomes / support their learning 
  • Developing skills e.g. social interactive skills
  • Understanding the school systems and boundaries, barriers to learning, outside influences
  • Monitoring progress
  • Monitoring
  • Liaison with identified member of staff 
  • Liaison with parents as appropriate 

Ormiston Beachcroft Academy 

35 Finchley Road 

London, NW8 0NW

Tele: 020 7483 4434 

For enquiries regarding the Secondary Outreach Team contact:

Natalie Wright (Lead Teacher) – [email protected]